Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My works!

A year after i've started my photography, i've received alots of good comments and 'likes', and im deeply touched by all this.. it means alot to me, it motivates me to shoot more and improve my photos! Not to forget, friends who helped, assist me, guide me, teach me.. and alots more... thousands thanks to you guys! i will continue to improve myself day by day.. and hope more of my readers will support me!

Besides that, im also very glad because my work was accepted worldwide. For example, people from various part of the world, have asked permission to publish my photos in their website! I'm more than happy to give such permission, seriously, as that motivates me alot! Thank you for such appreciation of my works!

here's some links where my works were published, and i do hope i can contribute more to the world! Thanks!

Besides this, my photos were also published in Digital Camera Malaysia, and Breeze Magazine (Sabah) http://issuu.com/breezemag/docs/breeze_issue_16?mode=embed&layout=http://skin.issuu.com/v/dark/layout.xml&showFlipBtn=true and hopefully, more will be published! and more to come! A big thank you for all! Im deeply touched and motivated! Thank you!!

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