After my family left HCMC, i went back to the hotel for another night and booked a bus ticket to Phnom Penh. It cost me USD10, and the hotel uncle told me, it's a good bus. Well, it's average only.. It's called Kumho Samco Bus. And well, it's late again.. departing around 9am and i feel the bus driver driving dangerously.. he is like driving a rally bus, especially after crossing the Cambodian border. And not to forget, honking non stop! It's mad!
Our bus at the border [Mobile]
It took me almost 7 hours to reach Phnom Penh city.. We reach the border after around 3 hours journey from HCMC. The bus guy will collect passport from everyone, and when we reach the immigration office, he will get the passport stamped, and called your name one by one. Once your name is summon, you'll take your passport, scan your luggage and backpacks (randomly), meet a officer to double check your passport and off you go. As easy as that. Get on the bus and continue our journey to Phnom Penh.
We reach the ferry terminal at 12.30pm, the Neak Loeung Ferry Terminal where everyone uses the service to cross Tonle Sap river. It's included in the fare.. :) It only took about 10 min to cross. Short but interesting.
Reach Phnom Penh city at 2.15pm at the Kumho Samco Bus office. Outside the office, there's dozens of tut-tut waiting for the new arrival! It's quite a havoc, they came questioning you and offers, bargaining and collecting luggages.. it's quite far from the city centre, so, it's a must to take those tut-tut. Fortunately, it was cheap. What you need to do is bargain. I was offered USD3 for the ride to the city, which include some sight seeing. After some bargaining and delaying him.. i manage to get a great fare, only USD1! And he even agree to took me round the city for 15 minutes for some sight seeing! NICE!
I ask the tut-tut guy to bring me to the bus station to buy my bus ticket to Siam Reap the next day. It cost me another USD10 to get there. 7.30am bus they said. Alright den.. Next, i asked for accommodation and he bring me to Eighty8 Backpackers. The price for a dorm was USD7, so it's pretty cheap. You got your own locker with locks, so it's pretty safe. The place is quite comfortable, with a swimming pool, pool table, nice bar.. not bad at all. And of course, the uttermost important thing, free WIFI! Hehehe.. So after bath, unpacking some stuff, and checking fb and emails, i head out to the city centre. Decided to walk around since, according to map, it's not that far.. Geared with a apps called Travel Cambodia from MobileReferences in my SE Xperia Active, i got a detailed map of Phnom Penh. Good enough for me to walk around and explore the town on my own. First impression, dirty town. Next, safety issues. Dont know why but my instinct told me it's not so safe in Phnom Penh. Just be extra cautious and becareful.
First destination was finding a place to eat! While walking towards Sisowath Quay, i found a nice restaurant called Jaan. While reading about Cambodia, i noticed that Amok is a Cambodian specialty, so i've decided to try one! The Amok fish in Jaan is really nice, creamy and spicy! Reminds me of Nyonya foods actually. Strong lemongrass and coconut milk, and tender freshwater fish cuts, superb! Had my first Angkor beer too! The red one, Export Quality it says. Pretty good and cheap. About 75 cent or 15000 riel.
I walk to the other side of the town, towards Wat Ounalom where a local/tut-tut driver start asking me questions there. Suspicious i say.. Took some photos there and left quickly.. those tut tut and motorcycle taxis are annoying as hell! Walk pass through the Royal Palace, and yes, it is an amazing building!
Wat Ounalom
Royal Palace
Next, heading to the famous Sisowath Quay where most locals and tourist spend some relaxing time by the riverside. Also a place for crimes, from what i have read. So please be extra cautious while you're there too.
After the evening stroll along the riverside, decided to walk back to the backpackers before it's dark and dangerous. Spend my night at the backpacker, onlining and sleep early to catch my next bus to Siam Reap to meet my photography friends from Penang.
Next morning, while waiting for our bus to depart, they are loading tons of stuff into the bus including few of these motorbikes! [Mobile]